Wednesday, October 26

Letters From The Sky

One of these days the sky's gonna break
And everything will escape and I'll know
One of these days the mountains
Are gonna fall into the sea and they'll know

That you and I were made for this
I was made to taste your deeds
We were made to never fall away
Never fall away

One of these days letters are gonna fall
From the sky telling us all to go free
But until that day I'll find a way
To let everybody know that you're coming back
You're coming back for me

'Cause even though you left me here
I have nothing left to fear
These are only walls that hold me here
Hold me here, hold me here, hold me here
Only walls that hold me here

One day soon I'll hold you like the sun holds the moon
And we will hear those planes overhead
And we won't have to be scared
'Cause we won't have to be scared
We won't have to be, yeah, scared, no

You're coming back for me
You're coming back for me
You're coming back to me
You're coming back for me

You're coming back for me
You're coming back for me
You're coming back for me
You're coming back for me

You're coming back for me
You're coming back for me
You're coming back for me
You're coming back for me

You're coming
You're coming back for me
You're coming back for me

You're coming back for me
You're coming back for me
You're coming back to me
You're coming back to me

You're coming back for me
You're coming back

Monday, October 24

Happy Becoming November, Mr. 2016 :)

Assalammualaikum and a very good afternoon to all of you who singgah this blog :)
I am doing fine. I really am. 
Life kat UBIS memang awesome. Mun suka suasana, lecturers, kawan-kawan and the subjects.
First of all, pensyarah pertama y menarik perhatian mun adalah pensyarah subjek Islamic Economics.
She always emphasize about Islam, about we need Ulama', we must beware of prohibited trading, do not couple, do taaruf and get married, she explains that we cannot translate the Al-Quran and Sunnah without the help of ulama, she remind us to study, she also said that every knowledge is come from Islam, she is very disagree with secular theories, she, remind us of Allah and benda tu yang paling mahal. :') Thank you Allah for this fate. 
Secondly, my lecturer Dr.Isofou. He teach Usul Fiqh and Qawaied Usulliyyah.
The best thing about him is that his teaching skills is very very very interesting. Sometimes he speaks like a chef in a cooking show, something he acts like a story teller, he also recites dalil beautifully.
He is a very good lecturer. Eventhough his accent in English was barely hard but not difficult to understand. Haha. Sometimes we confuse with his pronounciation 'three' and "tree".
Third, Sir Fauzi.
Well, after a few years I left economics, accounts, Sir, berjaya jugak mengembalikan minat and passion on current Malaysia's financial,budgets, watching market and etc.. 
Forth, my Islamic Finance lecturer, her face like Mira Filzah, she is very beautiful and brilliant lecturer :D
Fifth, my Writing for Academic Purposes lecturer. Nampak biasa-biasa tetapi berbisa.
Whoever learning with her will find that she is very patient and caring. She wait until all of us understand her. I love being in her class even though my English was not so excellent. Haha.
My technoprenuership entah betul ke tak eja tu ;p very energetic and tak pernah bosan dalam kelas dia :)
Seventh. my Business Communication lecturer, Miss Zahra. Awal-awal dah bagi assignment and never let her students left behind. 
Okay everyone, this is not the ranking pf my fav subject and lecturer.. It is just a very short brief about whom I met and learnt from. :)
and got many new friends.
I will share stories about my friend later. See ya. :)

Friday, October 14

Fadhilat Amal

Fadhilat Zikir
Assalammualaikum dan Selamat Malam.
I stumbled upon this page..

Tiga golongan manusia yang doa mereka tidak akan ditolak oleh Allah s.w.t.
Bahkan pasti doa mereka akan dikabulkan.
1) Mereka yang banyak berzikir kepada Allah :'(
2) Orang yang dizalimi :'(
3) Pemerintah yang tidak melakukan kezaliman :'(


Assalammualaikum dan selamat malam.
Alhamdulillah hari ini .. dengan azam dan semangatnya dari rumah dah berdoa dalam hati.. semoga dpt bertemu kembali dgn wallet..
Setelah hantar assignment Personal Financial Management 2 untuk En. Fauzi..
aku pergi ke library and tanya kat kakak library tu..
She said 'wallet hitam ke?'
I was like :'D 'YA!'
Dia kata, library dah bagi admin ..
So, aku pon patah balik kat office tu and mintak wallet tu .. :')
Thank you Allah.. :'D
Petang tu, masuklah kelas Islamic Finance.
Balik tu dah macam nak hujan.
Hari ni tak jog and rest.
Oh, and dalam group ws Khanqah SZ.. Isshh kakak-kakak Mun.. suka sangat menyakat Mun.. lagi-lagi bab-bab nikah ni.. 
Mentang-mentang depa boleh guna nama ahlia sekian ahlia sekian..
Mun sorg je Ahli Noone.
EMm pepahamlah.
InsyaAllah tak lama lg ada rumah perlindungan preggy mommies.. :)
InsyaAllah Allah permudahkan urusan Syeikh and our family. Hihi.
Malam ni nak buat apa?
Jangan buang masa Mun.
And YEAY hari ini my abang KFC hitam manis beli choco jar :D :D Dua pula tu :D
Rezeki Allah Bagi ;)
Ya Allah, please ease everything for me and forgive me :')
Till then.

Thursday, October 13


Assalammualaikum and selamat malam.
Alhamdulillah for everything I had today.
Mama and Khael cuti hari ni.
Mama tk berapa sihat but InsyaAllah will get better soon.
Hari ni kelas petang je. Kelas Technoprenuership. Betul ke eja? Idk.
Realizing my wallet hilang and I can't tell my parents about it.
This is my third time hilang Ic and will cost so much money to replace it.
Tambahan pula all those atm cards and license.
I, seriously dont care about the money.
Things that make me so sad is I have to ask anyone to lend me money.
I hate being a burden to anybody.
Walaupun wallet hilang.. I still kuatkan semangat nak jog.
Tp, ya. Layak diuji. Layak Mun dihukum sbb Mun mmg banyak dosa.
Masa tasbih, miswak and celak hilang.. Mun boleh buat tak tahu je. Bila dompet hilang.. rasa macam sedih.. tak keruan.. gelisah dan sebagainya.
Dah nampak dah kecenderungan hati tu kat mana.
Ya Allah, ampunkanlah Mun.
Mun selalu zalimi diri sendiri.
Probably, masa dah ada duit Mun tangguh ganti paper clip y Mun ambil tanpa izin kat Adun Gombak Setia tempoh hari. Mungkin jugak sbb Mun tangguh bayar duit buku kat syeikh zf.
Mungkin jugak sbb lintasan hati y banyak gila merapu.
But Ya Allah.. thank you sbb hari ni kelaa Techno mmg best. I was able to interact with lecturer a lot and dpt satu group dgn budak2 IF(Islamic Finance) y lain. Of course kene bersaing dgn budak2 Accounting but Alhamdulillah.. Mun steady je. 
Mama ngn ayah pergi pasar and beli one of my fav dishes iaitu Sambal Paru, Apam Balik (ayah tahu) and mihun sup. Hehe. Balik Jogging terus makan. Apakah?

Alhamdulillah for everything.
May Allah bless us.
Please ambil pengajaran dr apa y korg baca okay?
I am not perfect and dlm percubaan jd somebody that Allah and Rasul SAW can proud of.
Please doakan Mun boleh bayar hutang before meninggal dunia and tutup semua akaun bank konvensional. Please please please. 

Wednesday, October 12

My First Day in UniKL Business School

Assalammualaikum and hai everyone :) 
Semoga berada dlm rahmat Allah selalu..
Alhamdulillah for everything y Allah bg kat Mun.
Sometimes and always Mun rasa..Mun tak layak nak rasa bahagia kat dunia ni coz of lumuran dosa y banyak sgt sejak kecil.
Tapi, Allah masih beri nyawa pd Mun and hopefully.. Allah ampunkan Mun sepanjang Mun masih hidup ni.
As I said earlier, Bachelor B.A Islamic Finance bukanlah pilihan pertama Mun krn I prefer kerja berbanding sambung belajar.. but jauh di sudut hati Mun.. I really suka belajar.. tak kisahlah belajar apa-apapun.
Lastly, keputusan Mama dan Ayah semasa menunaikan haji adalah letting me to further my study here.. in UniKL BIS..

Ramai org tanya.. why tak mohon IPTA..jawapan Mun simple je.. coz Unikl ni under Mara, sng dpt loan/scholar plus Mun tak ambil Muet lg..
Why Unikl Bis? Coz, the building is located in Kg.Baru which is 15 minutes only from Gombak..
And.. Mun minat Islamic Finance since belajar Nizam Muamalat dgn Ustazah Siti Munirah..

Okay, masa register..ayahlah y temankan.. lepas je dpt student portal sendiri.. Mun rasa happy sgt sbb I can see my timetable, subjek y Mun ambil, my attendance, my study plan, receipt, ledger yuran2 and etc.
Maklumlah my previous college tak ada semua ni :)
Hehehe. Jgn kecil hati JAIPUTRA (Kini Kolej Uniti KB) sbb awak adalah y paling istimewa dlm hati sy ;)

My very very first class adalah Personal Financial Management 2. Ya Allah.. sgt2 nervous and our lecturer is En.Fauzi. Awal2 dia dah ajar macam mana nak monitor jual beli saham. He gave us Rm100K and belilah saham berdasarkan kategori and jumlah closing syarikat sekian sekian.
Mmh ternganga Mun mula2.. but Alhamdulillah.. Allah beri fhm sikit and dpt satu group dgn Nabila (Lana Del Rey) and Rina. Nabila and Rina dah sem 5 and one year older than me. Alhamdulillah, they are so kind-hearted and invited me to join theor group for the previous assignment and next assignment.
Alhamdulillah again that our lessons are widely using English language which buat Mun rasa Mun boleh improve Mun punya English a lot.

Recess time.
Surau Tingkat 17 again Alhamdulillah .. sgt2 comfortable and clean. Toilet pun.
Then, Mun singgah tingkat 12 sbb ada banyak jual makanan such as sandwiches, hotdog, etc.
Then, Mun pergi LIBRARY.

Library was........
Fantastic and spectacular. Nampak kecil but Mun dah observe each shelf and Mun sgt2 excited nak spend the rest of my life there. Yeeehaaa!

My second class adalah Business Communication dgn Miss Zahra Jasmin.
She was a very excellent lecturer sbb sesi pnp dia sgt2 melekat dlm kepala Mun.
Masa kelas nilah.. Mun kenal Aqilah,Mahirah,Husni,Fathin, Imah and Lan.
Each of us kene masuk dlm group masing2.
Miss pon explain pasal assessment.
Then, she gives lectures.. and group activity.
Kerjanya adalah utk buat surat.
Confirmation letter, surat kutip hutang and bla3
Alhamdulillah.. lepas habis je kelas..Mas pon dtg ambil Mun.

Malam, kami dinner bersama and singgah rumah maklong coz mama ada beli ole2.
Thats all for today. InsyaAllah.. I'll updating my blog tomorrow. Stay tuned. Fi hifzillah.

Saturday, October 1

Cerita Maal Hijrah 1438

Assalammualaikum and hai semua :)
Sabtu adalah hari di mana kitorang adik-beradik akan visit Maryam di MATAQU..
Sejak mama dan ayah menunaikan rukun islam yang kelima, setakat ni kami belum pernah miss utk visit our little mary the mary. 
Unfortunately, kakak tiada Telegram bersama pihak sekolah dan kitorang baru je dpt tahu y pihak sekolah jemput family student utk iktikaf kat MATAQU.
Tanpa berfikir panjang dan disebabkan terlalu rindu dekat our little mary the mary.. we decided to stay there after the taalim.
Maryam nampak sangat happy walaupun malu-malu meow haha.
Maisarah seronok dengan buku word search dia tu and Muhammad Mikhael terpaksa duduk sebelah aku dgn sebatang pen & kertas.
Maryam dah kurus and malam tu kitorang lima beradik dpt tidur sama-sama. 
Walaupun tak ada aircond tp disebabkan asrama diorang kat kawasan bukit, kitorang menggigil kesejukan. 
Pagi esoknya, bersama-samalah kami berqiamulail .. well bg y muda muda gila gila remaja mcm sy mestilah banyak kali menguap and our khael hanya tidur dgn lena kat belakang..
Solat Sunat Tasbih y merupakan pertama kali aku buat ... best jugaklah.. 
Lepas Solat Subuh ada belajar hadith.. dr Maulana Razif.. then kitorang berlima bersarapan bersama-sama. 
Sebenarnya senyuman yg paling mahal selain senyuman ayah adalah senyuman Maryam. Jadi, if one of us could make our little mary the mary smile.. it was a privilege.. 
Pagi tu makan nasi lemak and roti .. share satu kotak besar air teh bunga..
Then, Muhammad Mikhael request utk ke swimming pool.. but.. kitorang tak tahu nak pergi kat mana and kalau boleh nak pergi y dekat je..
Aku prefer sungai-sungai or air terjun sama macam Maisarah but Khael insist nk pergi swimming pool =..='
Pukul 9 lebih macam tu barulah kitorang meninggalkan Maryam di MATAQU.
Semoga dipermudahkan urusan mary the mary. Believe in Allah. We love you so so so so mucho.
Bergegas kami berempat ke Setiawangsa and search for the 
Kompleks Sukan MSN Setiawangsa..
Alhamdulillah utk si kecil macam Mikhael ni adalah perkhidmatan sewa baju renang, swimming cap and pelampung.
Murah je semua. :) 
Mas pon berenang temankan Khael..

to be continued...