It was two years ago ,
thank you brother 1
okay let me start to introduce some guys that make my life just so perfect. actually, i don't have any boyfriends and girlfriends. but i'm kinda a sort that have a few brothers and sisters , and also , a few bestfriends of mine. bhaha.
okay , this is. abg epul. he is my first first first twister brother . and there we go. here. him
hahaha , this is abg awie !!! hahahaha
we , haha. we . we . we. haha. the dog bark loudly !! ' WOOF ! WOOF! WOOF! ' and abg awie go back to abg epul and . hahaha, LIKE CRYING YOU KNOW! hahaha, but not really cry , and I , I were laughing non-stop with eyma and abg epul , and finally abg awie also laugh , sir fikri that just arrived from the parking lot also shocked! that time, he was in front of the guard of the apartment.. and five of us , LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH. hahahahhahaha.
thank you brother 1
okay let me start to introduce some guys that make my life just so perfect. actually, i don't have any boyfriends and girlfriends. but i'm kinda a sort that have a few brothers and sisters , and also , a few bestfriends of mine. bhaha.
okay , this is. abg epul. he is my first first first twister brother . and there we go. here. him
he is handsome but his teeth , errgh ==' haha. and then , the shy one , abg azuawie :D bhaha. he is the second brother of twister. haa. one day, my finger hurt and have a little scars, and i want to take one mess large whip potato. and i said ' ouchh ' and then he opened the whip bulb, bravely gave me the whip potato. oh how sweet :)he is the quiet one , but when he laugh ' eHEEH eHeeh eHEEEH' . haha , yaa, that sound that i miss so much, kindly to mention that , he has a girlfriend, name Hartini Hamid, he called her cinta. . hehe. abg epul, abg awie and me . we were born in the same month . JUNE. hahaha
abg epul also have girlfriend, i mean wife. haha, eyma tasya . me, know abg epul first before eyma,
after eyma start join us, then the love stories begin. taraaa ! one day, we FOUR of us , walk together. and that time , we drop by at kedai mamak brickfield and abg epul treat us. haha. usually we will spend our time watching football or tamil movie after closing .and they were really make sure that the kfc's kitchen are spotless.okay , here we go.haha.i can't stop laughing, this is a story about A DOG AND MY BROTHER. hahaha. okay , one day, we FOUR walk together, actually , that time, abg Awie don't have mood, so, abg epul walk with ema closely, and I, walk with abg awie too far. haha, and then i was so bored ,and keep talking to the quiet abg awie, bhaha.
' abg awie, ! nape abg awie senyap?'
'abg awie ! nape nampak mcm sedih je?'
' abg awie ! okay tak ni! ?'
haha, and then he was keep silent and i felt sad somehow, but keep trying to make this handsome brother to smile . bhaha. those memories were so hilarious !!! hahaha. okay continue...
' abg awie. abg awie, sy nak tnye boleh?'
' hmm'
' abg awie betul ke nk brhenti keje?'
' ........'
'abg awie , nak buat ape dngn surat yg mun tolong buat tu?'
'nak bg miss lah'
'ouh, bile'
'bile tibe masenye'
pastu snyap..
' abg awie ! abg awie! , janganlah senyap je ! ckplah dngan mun, tak kesian ke , mun mcm ckp ngan tembok tau tak '
ema and epul laugh at the back , bhahaha
okay , i become a little stressed. and I was like crying because that badmood brother did not appear happy.
okay i try ,
' abg awie ! sy ade teke teki untuk abg . abg kene jawab tau '
' ape die '
' kalaulah kan, kita berempat berjalan same2, tibe2, abg ternampak anjing, abg buat ape? abg , nak lari dulu ke, atau pon nak selamatkan kitorang dengan MENGHALANG ANJING DRPADA MENGEJAR KITORANG. ' (sambil mendepakan tgn)
and hoh ! i'm suprised, that he ,did not laugh at all and remain silent. and I give up,, SO ! I decided to walk with ema and epul. biar dia jalan sowang-sowang kat depan tu melayan perasaan ! hummph!!
tibe2 tibe2 , HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH oh ema, i can't stop laughing at those memories! !
well. i thought it was only a joke, and in my mind never thought that . bahahahahaha
okay , then.....
we walk and nearly reach the hostel , and guess what !

Hahahahhahahahaha. PADAN MUKA !
hahaha , this is abg awie !!! hahahaha
we , haha. we . we . we. haha. the dog bark loudly !! ' WOOF ! WOOF! WOOF! ' and abg awie go back to abg epul and . hahaha, LIKE CRYING YOU KNOW! hahaha, but not really cry , and I , I were laughing non-stop with eyma and abg epul , and finally abg awie also laugh , sir fikri that just arrived from the parking lot also shocked! that time, he was in front of the guard of the apartment.. and five of us , LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH. hahahahhahaha.

i'm sorrrryyy abaaaaaaang... hahahahahahahaha.
till then.
and the next day , me and eyma bring the sepanduk for abg awie, miss ayu also wondered why , we bring the yellow reminder for everyone about the dangerous of the dog. thank you brother. i miss you!