Friday, May 29

Semester 4 : My First Week in Kelantan.

Salam and good evening to all of you who care to drop here. Hahah.

It's pretty hectic around here . Yeah. Things are a little hectic around here planning for the Festival Ihya Ramadhan next month.

It's almost extremely busy. 

I've got so much to study and so little time. But I have to overcome this haha.
I have to take some time to briefly review my notes, textbooks, and other study materials. Determine the main concepts that will show up on the test and identify what I need to better understand. Summarizing study materials makes it easier to determine what is important and saves time. However, summarizing notes and textbooks is not a method that should replace reading and in-depth review (yes exactly).

And I will survive. Insyaallah.

Friday, May 15

The Adventures of Tintin

Captain Haddock: I thought you were an optimist.
Tintin: You were wrong, weren't you? I'm a realist.
Captain Haddock: Ah, it's just another name for a quitter.
Tintin: You can call me what you like. Don't you get it? We failed.
Captain Haddock: Failed. There are plenty of others willing to call you a failure. A fool. A loser. A hopeless souse. Don't you ever say it of yourself. You send out the wrong signal, that is what people pick up. Don't you understand? You care about something, you fight for it. You hit a wall, you push through it. There's something you need to know about failure, Tintin. You can never let it defeat you.
Captain Haddock: My memory isn't the way it used to be.
Tintin: How was it?
Captain Haddock: I've forgotten.
Tintin: We've got bad news. We've only got one bullet.
Captain Haddock: What's the good news?
Tintin: We've got ONE bullet.
Captain Haddock: What is this peculiar beverage? It had no bouquet, it's completely transparent.
Tintin: It's water.
Captain Haddock: So you thought you'd sneak in an' catch me with me trousers down, eh?
Tintin: I'd rather you keep your trousers on if it's all the same to you!
Tintin: What have you done?
Captain Haddock: I lit a wee fire...
Tintin: *In a boat?*
Tintin: Well, this is a fine mess.
Nestor: Good evening, sir. I trust you had a pleasant voyage.
Ivanovich Sakharine: Do I pay you to talk?
Nestor: You don't pay me at all.
[from trailer]
[in a plane]
Captain Haddock: You do know what you're doing, right?
Tintin: Relax. I interviewed a pilot once!
Tintin: How's your thirst for adventure, Captain?
Captain Haddock: Unquenchable, Tintin.
Thomson: [looks at the newspaper] Great Scotland Yard! That's extraordinary!
Tintin: What is?
Thomson: Worthington's having a half-price sale on bowler hats!
Inspector Thompson: [snatches the newspaper] Really, Thomson! This is hardly the time...
[looks at the newspaper]
Inspector Thompson: Great Scotland Yard!
ThomsonTintin: What is it?
Inspector Thompson: Canes are half-price too!
[from trailer]
[a shipwrecked Haddock spots a plane]
Captain Haddock: We're saved! A savior from above!
[the plane opens fire]
[from trailer]
Tintin: Are you going to take charge of this evidence?
Inspector Thompson: Never fear, Tintin! The evidence is safe with us!
[falls down stairs]
Thomson: Thompson? Where are you?
Inspector Thompson: Well, I'm already downstairs! You'd better keep up!
Ivanovich Sakharine: You may kill the boy, but NOT Haddock!
Allan: Oh, come on, sir, he's a rum soak! We should have killed him long ago...
Ivanovich Sakharine: [draws his blade] Do you think it was an accident I took Haddock's ship, Haddock's crew, Haddock's treacherous first mate? Nothing I do is an accident!
Tintin: To think, all it took was one day in the Sahara! Congratulations, Captain, you're sober!
Captain Haddock: Blistering treasure! It's Red Rackham's barnacles!
Captain Haddock: [Haddock is chasing Sakharine's Bird] 10,000 Thundering Typhoons! Come here you pilfering parakeet!
Captain Haddock: Nobody takes my ship!
Tintin: They've already taken it.
Captain Haddock: But nobody takes my ship twice!
Tintin: Captain, can you get us to Bagghar?
Captain Haddock: What sort of a stupid question is that?
[gets up]
Captain Haddock: Give me those oars! I'll show you some real seamanship, laddie! I'll not be doubted by some pipsqueak tuft of ginger and his irritating dog. I am master and commander of the seas!
Inspector Thompson: You are under arrest!
Thomson: To be precise: you are under arrest!
Silk: I'm not a bad person. I'm a kleptomaniac.
Thomson: A what?
Inspector Thompson: It's fear of open spaces.
Thomson: Poor man. No wonder he keeps his wallets in the living room.
[last lines]
Tintin: There's a clue to another treasure. How's your thirst for adventure, Captain?
Captain Haddock: Unquenchable, Tintin.
[Snowy winks at us]
Allan: Mr Tintin?
Tintin: Yes, that's me.
Allan: There's a crate here for you, sir.
Tintin: But I didn't order anything.
Allan: [knocks out Tintin] That's 'cause *you're* in it!
[stuffs him into the crate]
Ivanovich Sakharine: The legend says only a Haddock is able to find the treasure... but it took a Rackham to get the job done!
Captain Haddock: Billions of blistering barnacles!
Captain Haddock: Ten thousand thundering typhoons!
Captain Haddock: [seeing Snowy for the first time] A giant rat of Sumatra!
[Thomson and Thompson plan a trap for the wallet thief]
Inspector Thompson: It's childishly simple!
Thomson: To be precise: it's simply childish!
[from trailer]
Tintin: We can't go back, not now!... Not now.
[from trailer]
Captain Haddock: Nobody takes MY ship!
[Haddock hurls bottles at Sakharine]
Ivanovich Sakharine: Go ahead, have a drink. It's all you've got left!
Bianca Castafiore: I am most grateful to Professor Sweetie Pie, for bringing me here to Bagghar!
[Sakharine winces]
Captain Haddock: Red Rackham!
Ivanovich Sakharine: That's right! An ancestor of mine, just as Sir Francis was yours!
Captain Haddock: Unfinished business...
Ivanovich Sakharine: Oh, it's good you remember, Haddock - killing you drunk wouldn't have been as much fun!
Tintin: Bad news, Captain. We've only got one bullet.
Captain Haddock: What's the good news?
Tintin: We've got one bullet.
[from trailer]
Tintin: [inspecting the model Unicorn] What secrets do you hold...?
[a roll of parchment slips out]
[from trailer]
Ivanovich Sakharine: Find them, find them BOTH!
[from trailer]
Tintin: If Sakharine gets to that ship before us, it's over!
Captain Haddock: Sir Francis Haddock was the greatest captain of the seven seas! Why do you think I drink? It's because I know I'll never be like him!
Captain Haddock: It was Allan, he nobbled me... and there was a bottle...
Tintin: There always is!
Captain Haddock: No, it's not like that...
Tintin: I can smell it on you!
[from trailer]
Tintin: Snowy, look at this...
[points to a model ship]
[from trailer]
Captain Haddock: I SWEAR to find that treasure before 'im!

Key Ballah

If God gives me privilege of giving birth to aughter,
I hope to teach her about resilience through Hajar and she ran seven times between those months.
Telling her stories about Aasiyah's faith and A'isha's love an Maryam's strength.
I want to tell her about Mother Khaija who lives inside us as an example of our own desire for success in this life and the next.
I want her to know the stories of her own grandmother an great-grandmother-
women who worked until their hands were raw and bleeding, women who never got a chance to see the sun, women who shook the earth when they spoke,
women who love and lost and split and spilled.
I want her to look at herself and see all of the women who have come together to make her.
All the overtime shifts and midnight prayers to a God who is the best planners.
I want her to know about all of the tears and brittle bones, all of the blood and hours spent in prostration.
I want her to look in the mirror and see how the funny word 'woman hangs off of her'

Wednesday, May 13

I saw this and I

"I choose to try to not post negativity on my blog, no matter what my personal situations are because I feel like that’s all that is present on tumblr–people being sad. I want yall to be motivated about your educations and future, and try to attain fulfillment while bringing yourself closer to Allah. 
Just remember that people on the internet choose what they post online. My life isn’t nearly as cool as you make it seem, but Alhamdulilah I’m trying to make the best of my time. That being said, if you are truly depressed, please go see a counselor. May Allah make you a million times better than I am"
I don't know what to say but this is an awesome answer for someone like me. 

Hello and Assalammualaikum

I feel so dizzy right now and maybe it is because of having too much sleep.
Well, my holiday will be over soon and I don't really like it.
I love when I have my own time to dream , dream and dream. Muahaha.
I don't have any plans yet on what to eat, how much to eat and what to study and how am I going to study.
I didn't finish my paperwork yet.
I wish I am not the representative of students there. I miss my old life. Err.. Not really.
I love my new life. Full of surprises and unexpected things. Allah gives me so many many many many many many and many many many miracles.
So, I'm survived.

Maybe I'm healed. Ya. I am pretty sure I'm healed. But, memories never die. Sometimes, I had to nursing the wound with many many many many many miracles that Allah gave me. Huhu.
This Saturday , Nurul Pyqa Razali will enter her new phase of life which she'll be a wife soon. Muahaha.
Congratulations and Alhamdulillah dear friend. My lovely friend. My bestfriend but not too close.
All the best Nurul Syafiqah Binti Razali.

Wednesday, May 6


Salam dan hai semua :)

Alhamdulillah segala puji bagi Allah :D
Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar kita Nabi Muhammad S.A.W :)

Gembira hari ini kerana telah lulus dalam ujian komputer untuk lesen memandu kereta yeay!
But a little bit sad of something.

It was like this. Oh maybe it takes time to show the truth. To show them the reality on seeking knowledge.
What knowledge?

Ilmu yang bermanfaat. Well, nowadays people are divided according to their perspective.

Seperti contoh, yang pro Wahabi menuduh penentang Wahabi ini taksub Syeikh and whatsoever that bear in their mind.

Well, I'll never give up. Dakwah ini kan penuh liku dan panjang and that the best part of it - My friend.

Entah mengapa aku dihalakan di atas jalan ini. And I still don't know how to manage my time and stabilize my routine with studying kitab-kitab.

Allah. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to walk into this path.

I should start planning. And work it out.

Haiyaa. Munirah  dah tak ada masa untuk rehat dah kat dunia ni...

Allah.. sempatkan diri ini mempunyai suami =)) peace YOW . <-- nbsp="" p="">

yang boleh sama-sama menjalankan dakwah diri dan semua yg berkaitan .. 

Munirah , please brush up ur skill on writing and penulisan and NAHU BAHASA ARAB.

Friday, May 1


Alhamdulillah semester tiga berakhir.
Terdapat banyak kronologi yang menggemparkan dalam kehidupanku.

Kini, aku berada di Kuala Lumpur.
Mengasah bakatku dalam bidang pendidikan terhadap adik-adikku.

Alhamdulillah, aku terpilih sebagai Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar selama setahun mulai Mei ini.

Terdapat banyak  onak dan  duri yang aku hadapi dan langkaui.
Ada yang aku susuri penuh strategi.
Ada juga yang aku lalui dengan sepenuh pergantungan terhadap Allah kerana hati yang patah berkaca luka.

Setiap hari aku cuba bangkit melawan ombak derita yang mengganas.
Bisikan yang melemahkan.
Peperangan keinginan yang menghancurkan.

Keajaiban-keajaiban mula menerpa dalam hidupku.
Berkat qiamulail yang aku contohi dari TGNA.
Walau tidak sesempurna beliau.
Namun, setiap perkara yang aku temui membuatkanku terasa kerdil dan hina di dunia ini.
Menyedari kebesaranNya namun masih mencintai dunia.

Melatih diri secara perlahan ke arah kezuhudan.
Namun, jika tiada niat kerana Allah.
Takut jatuh dalam, riak,takabur dan rasa kebanggaan yg menghinakan penampilan di mata Yang Maha Menciptakan.

Aku tahu apa yang aku hendak lakukan.
Namun, aku tiada perkataan untuk aku gelarkan.
Cita-cita aku di masa hadapan.

Mungkin aku akan menjadi antara yang bersinar dalam pendidikan.
Namun, biarlah sinaran itu menjadi pelitaku yg menghidupkan.
Suasana damai kelak ku sementara menunggu hari pembalasan.

Allah. Andai ini takdir yang kau tentukan,
Berikanlah diri ini kekuatan.
Utk menjadi hambaMu yg hidup penuh ketaatan.
Dan bukan hanya tergambar di permukaan perkataan.
Tetapi, dari jiwa yang rindukan  keikhlasan diri insan.

Allah, Engkau Yang Maha Mengetahui.
Allah.Engkau Maha Penyayang.

Kikirkanlah rasa sombongku ini.
Usirkanlah rasa bakhilku ini.
Jadikan mata hatiku tidak melihat selain melihat dari NurMu yg suci.

Ya Rasul. Law Kana Bainana.
Akankah kau tersenyum melihat umatmu ini.


By the way, too much playing with those syllables .
I am trying to be better than yesterday.

Strive in vain.
Unchain my negative thoughts and live with a strong mind.

Alhamdulillah for everything Ya Allah. Allah The Wise.