Friday, May 29

Semester 4 : My First Week in Kelantan.

Salam and good evening to all of you who care to drop here. Hahah.

It's pretty hectic around here . Yeah. Things are a little hectic around here planning for the Festival Ihya Ramadhan next month.

It's almost extremely busy. 

I've got so much to study and so little time. But I have to overcome this haha.
I have to take some time to briefly review my notes, textbooks, and other study materials. Determine the main concepts that will show up on the test and identify what I need to better understand. Summarizing study materials makes it easier to determine what is important and saves time. However, summarizing notes and textbooks is not a method that should replace reading and in-depth review (yes exactly).

And I will survive. Insyaallah.