Every individual in this world is not excepted from bad whispers except for those whom Allah protected.
And desires. Desires divided by two main categories. Legal and illegal. Now, the legality depends on faith or stances of each individuals. Hence, it produces different categories of truth and different categories of right things to do. But one thing for sure, there are many ways to go to heaven.
Talking about heavens, they are also has been classified into several famous group. Which is Allah's heaven, other creation's heaven such as Dajjal heaven, freethinker heaven that is the world itself which prone to say there is no heaven and imaginary heaven that is created by human.
Allah's heaven is clearly for the sinners who repented. The repented sinners. If you have no sins at all, you are no human. It is just that the sins that we did, are too categorized into two. The small and the big one.
Dajjal's heaven is clearly for those who are worshiping the anti-Christ with or without their consciousness. So, if you happen to bump into songs or anything that looks like bias to anti-Christ agenda. With all our might, let's avoid it. Its heaven is clearly for those who did not return back to Allah. That's the key.
And desires. Desires divided by two main categories. Legal and illegal. Now, the legality depends on faith or stances of each individuals. Hence, it produces different categories of truth and different categories of right things to do. But one thing for sure, there are many ways to go to heaven.
Talking about heavens, they are also has been classified into several famous group. Which is Allah's heaven, other creation's heaven such as Dajjal heaven, freethinker heaven that is the world itself which prone to say there is no heaven and imaginary heaven that is created by human.
Allah's heaven is clearly for the sinners who repented. The repented sinners. If you have no sins at all, you are no human. It is just that the sins that we did, are too categorized into two. The small and the big one.
Dajjal's heaven is clearly for those who are worshiping the anti-Christ with or without their consciousness. So, if you happen to bump into songs or anything that looks like bias to anti-Christ agenda. With all our might, let's avoid it. Its heaven is clearly for those who did not return back to Allah. That's the key.
From other religion's perspective, there is heaven from the other faith. They believe in many gods. They have their own steps and guidance to reach their heaven. To them, with their ways they can reach the heaven. During Prophet Muhammad s.a.w lifetimes, some of his uncles worshiped Al-Lat and not Allah. Hence, surah al-Kafirun revealed to them. I do not worship what you worship. (109:2)
Freethinker's heaven basically refers to no heaven at all. They believe that they are created to born and die in this world only. They do not believe in God. They believe that their good deeds and bad deeds will be paid in this natural life cycle. They believe life is only once and after death they cannot do anything. Their life stops at death. They tend to do what is right according to humanity. They use sciece to prove the in-existence of God. They proved to themselves that they are content with themselves. They do not believe that they are created by creator. They tend to believe that they are naturally or just pop out in their mother's womb.
Imaginary heaven is the heaven that I too sometimes create haha. I mean. It is moments where I get high in music or any entertainment thingy. Like for foodies, Kg.Baru is heaven for some.
One maybe encounter, am I on the right path? Again, it depends on your faith. What type of heaven do you want to be in and not out?
*pardon my grammar, I really need to write before my ideas gone.