Wednesday, July 19

A dream and my friend

Well, being  a terror of skies is just the ticket for my friend. I'm glad to hear that he would like to go back to things that he wanted the most. It inspires me.

Our stories are a little bit different from everyone else but we can still pretend that we are on this so called 'right track' or 'norm' or 'systems'. I mean we survived as an undergraduate folks.

For me, I've given up on being an ob/gyn people but sometimes I asked myself
'do I still figure in my old life?'

I guess. I am not. for now. My passion for finance are developing and although I am good but not so excellence with numbers, Allah grants me a really unexpected half-genius brain to work on Maths and yeah .. I absolutely can and able to pick up, understands and bla bla bla..

However, when my friend said 'benda yang aq nak sangat' .. things that we speak of yesterday..
I reflect on it. The courage that he had to say it once again about his dream that seems very difficult for us to accomplish in our circumstances now makes me think.. 'ok, what do I really want now?'
My friend had decided and I.. I should give it some thought isn't?

Spiritually speaking, I only want to go back to Allah with a clean heart and my debts are settled. But our Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h .. his legacy,, it must be continued.. I must be one of somebody who can serve well to this.. to Allah and His messenger.. sometimes when I in a very difficult situation.. the goals are incomprehensible but I pray that wherever I go, I am blessed with His guidance and love and forgiveness.

Hard to explain but I must have faith in this.

So, back to my friend's dream. May Allah ease everything for you.  I understand how hard we have to strive with all the abnormal life journey after SPM but in the eye of Allah we are never a failure if we constantly depend and have faith in Him. No matter how broken we are, we are still never too broken to recover. Congratulations mates. You're recovering!

ur new friend.. Murni lalala~