Saturday, July 1

What kind of person are you quiz uhuh

Haha okay. This is the results.


You love sports, exercise and friends. Social interaction is your strong-suit. You like to party and have a good time. You really like team sports and are often very competitive. You do well in school sometimes and sometimes you just don't care about school. You can be mysterious, sometimes you love life and are happy with yourself other days you wish you were someone else. You can be rude sometimes and may not realize it and kind of use people sometimes. But when your with you friends you almost always have a good time.

Pretty accurate haha

Buzz feed says

I am chaotic good. Haha.

You got: Chaotic Good
Everything you do is for the greater good, but you feel like needless bureaucracy often gets in the way. You’re trying to make the world a better place, but you really need to do it your own way. Notable peers: Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead, Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec, Captain Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly, Hagrid from Harry Potter, and Jimmy McNulty from The Wire.
A giver?

well, sometimes..

You are

a Giver

You're the kind of person people say would give the shirt off their back to someone in need. You have a nurturing, kind energy that causes you to worry and fuss over others' wellbeing, but you sometimes forget that you can't pour from an empty cup, so to speak, and find yourself worn out because you've forgotten to tend to your own needs.

The entrepreneur?

You are The Entrepreneur! You are smart, energetic, perceptive, and intelligent. You are a hard worker, and you enjoy taking risks. You enjoy drama, but you often maintain a good sense of humor if your plans don't turn out the way you want them to. However, you can be quite emotional because you are so passionate about certain things.

Okay haha.. now nak bawak adik2 ke Tawakkal visiting ayah..