Tuesday, July 14

Don't love dunya

  • Don’t let this Dunya fool you!
  • Don’t ldon’ let the devil fool you of your Lord. As the shaytaan strives day and night to make you forget the reality of the world you areliving.
  • The Prophet s.a.w. said the Hell fire is surrounded by your desires, surrounded by women, surrounded by your wealth, and surrounded by pride. And paradise is surrounded by undesirable things.(Wa Hujiba jannah bi makaari)
  • Know Oh Mumin! Don’t let this world fool you—The Prophet s.a.w. said Adunya—this world is cursed. Except for the remembrance of Allah, and that which resemblance it; the scholars or the one who is learned.
  • (Zuyani li nisa hubba shawaha….) Allah Subhana wa tala is “Beautified for men are that which they desire from women, and that which they desire from children, from gold, from beautiful animals, and from wealth. This is the enjoyment of this world which will end and what Allah Subhana Wa Tala has the best abode. And Say, O Muhammed s.a.w, Shall I not inform you of that which is better, that which is better then all of worldly things; For those who fear their Lord: Gardens which rivers flow, and Purified mates, and the pleasure of the Allah Subhana Wa Tala.
  • (Dead lamb) The Prophet s.a.w. was walking with his companions when they saw a dead carcass, and he s.a.w. said would any of you love this? Even if it was alive it would something praiseworthy. They replied. He s.a.w. said wallahi this world is more worthless than this dead carcass.
  • This world is deceiving; it plays games with the minds of mankind.This dunya will deceive in making you think it will last forever
  • (Wa mal haytun dunya –this world is deceiving )
  • The Prophet s.a.w. said “This world is a prison for the believer and a Jannah for the disbeliever”. The disbeliever is not held back from anything and the believer fears His Lord and fears the consequence. The believer is restricted by the Qu’ran and Sunnah. The disbeliever acts like an animal and does as he wishes.