Saturday, August 15

Kerteh Trip is everything I need

 And it takes taufiq to execute the hidayah that you were given.

Monday, April 6

Let's write about relationship and love

Talent. Singing. Drawing. Some people were born gifted in certain things. Some people need to go to class and practice to gain the skills in drawing or singing etc.
Same goes to relationship. Some people were naturally know how to love themselves. Naturally letting go their losses. Naturally empathetic. Naturally good in expressing feelings. Naturally confident like idgafabikwidawidd haha translate that. But some people need to experience many things and even go to classes or therapy just to learn how to love themselves as well as loving their partner.

Now, do you know when you are in need of class or therapy? Well, you need to be in a situation first. Such as.. a situation where people belittle on you. So, only with that circumstances you will go through emotions like self hatred (for people who are not naturally born with self love skills). Then, you will trapped into your own safe mind cave and think a lot. Okay. Then, what will you do about it? Are you going to let your emotions beating you? If you are not, of course you will find a way to get out from that negative thoughts. And now you will decide to reach out to anything such as self love influencer or even therapist.

Okay. As a Muslims, I bet you will do share your feelings to Allah first and then cry to Him, pray harder and harder. But, here where you went wrong.. you just didn't do anything after praying. Like, you know Covid-19 is happening.. you just pray but didn't take precautions. Or like story of sahabah where you just left your camel without tying it because you think Allah is watching and you didn't do any efforts to secure the camel. Prophet Muhammad saw then corrected him by saying 'Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah' and in Quran it has been stated that 'Allah will not change the situation of people until they change what is inside themselves '

So, what do we do after praying? We read and learn. Okay. I am not saying that our emotions or sadness is invalid. This is just my suggestions on how to utilize love beyond what people usually do. Thus, whenever you are ready to learn this kind of self love properly only then you encouraged to use my suggestions.

What I have learned from this phase of my life is if loving someone else doesn't inspire you to love yourself.. you are doing it wrong. Because when you love yourself, only then you will know what exactly you want deeply. When you love yourself, only then you will know the status of your current choice. Why did you stay? Why you choose him or her? Where is your direction? Only when you love yourself, you will know whether staying or leaving is the right answer for you. If staying will nurture you to love yourself even more, then.. you know what you need to do. And only when you love yourself. You can forgive yourself.

Friday, April 3

How to express your love in a very feminine way?

Have you encountered moments where your heart feel so much love?

Where you tend to be so expressive with words? Actions? and everythinglah!

But, not all of the time your partner is ready to receive such a loaded of expression.

You know why? Expression often bring along some expectations.

Expectations, overwhelmed our partner.

In feminine energy world, it is likely makes you getting involve and get in touch with your feelings.

Like, you can avoid being extremely expressive by enjoying the moments.

Some of the words that you can use are:-

a) Right now, I am feeling so happy and so in love with him. (by this time some of you will be triggered to let your partner know) nope, do not do that yet. Just tell yourself.
I am going to enjoy this feeling. Smile and accept that you are in love. It is not that I forbid you to express it. But, if you already express it so much and wanna take a rest ..hence.. here you go.

b) Pray For God sake. Pray for their happiness, well being, peace  and pray that they are in a good condition =)

You can express your love anytime but law of attraction is real. In Islam, Allah clearly said that with human. The more you go and ask for them, the more they will pull away from you but Allah is not like that. The more you go and ask for Allah, the closer Allah will be with you but the thing is when you are close to Allah. You will be tested cause He loves you. I'm sorry. But that is the truth. However, Allah wants you to make it. So, good luck. InsyaAllah everything will be fine.

It is also a sunnah to express your love towards your loved ones but the truth is moderation is they key to the peace of life. I mean, excessive is not always good.

In a normal world, my friends would say don't text so much. Do not be so attached to a man. And it is true. Happiness should not be depended all the time on anyone. We just need to accept that happiness is a good feeling and it is temporary good feeling and be thankful for the person who makes efforts to make you smile and happy. Yes, people can make you happy but they are no God to give you happiness all the time to you. Do you get me? Hahaha.. I hope so. I mean they are human. Do not expected them to be the happiness machine. So why do we need to be with someone who makes us happy? Haha. Because happiness is a good feelinglah. Yes. Sure. They will make you happy but also there is time where they will not do anything because they are human same like us. Maybe, they choose to sleep all day or to do something else like joining the charity and so on. Thus, you also have space to do other things :)

Whatever it is. It is up to you to do whatever you feels right. Xoxo not Gossip girl.

Whispers but then heavens?

Every individual in this world is not excepted from bad whispers except for those whom Allah protected.

And desires. Desires divided by two main categories. Legal and illegal. Now, the legality depends on faith or stances of each individuals. Hence, it produces different categories of truth and different categories of right things to do. But one thing for sure, there are many ways to go to heaven.

Talking about heavens, they are also has been classified into several famous group. Which is Allah's heaven, other creation's heaven such as Dajjal heaven, freethinker heaven that is the world itself which prone to say there is no heaven and imaginary heaven that is created by human.

Allah's heaven is clearly for the sinners who repented. The repented sinners. If you have no sins at all, you are no human. It is just that the sins that we did, are too categorized into two. The small and the big one.

Dajjal's heaven is clearly for those who are worshiping the anti-Christ with or without their consciousness. So, if you happen to bump into songs or anything that looks like bias to anti-Christ agenda. With all our might, let's avoid it. Its heaven is clearly for those who did not return back to Allah. That's the key.

From other religion's perspective, there is heaven from the other faith. They believe in many gods. They have their own steps and guidance to reach their heaven. To them, with their ways they can reach the heaven. During Prophet Muhammad s.a.w lifetimes, some of his uncles worshiped Al-Lat and not Allah. Hence, surah al-Kafirun revealed to them. I do not worship what you worship. (109:2)

Freethinker's heaven basically refers to no heaven at all. They believe that they are created to born and die in this world only. They do not believe in God. They believe that their good deeds and bad deeds will be paid in this natural life cycle. They believe life is only once and after death they cannot do anything. Their life stops at death. They tend to do what is right according to humanity. They use sciece to prove the in-existence of God. They proved to themselves that they are content with themselves. They do not believe that they are created by creator. They tend to believe that they are naturally or just pop out in their mother's womb. 

Imaginary heaven is the heaven that I too sometimes create haha. I mean. It is moments where I get high in music or any entertainment thingy. Like for foodies, Kg.Baru is heaven for some. 

One maybe encounter, am I on the right path? Again, it depends on your faith. What type of heaven do you want to be in and not out? 

*pardon my grammar, I really need to write before my ideas gone. 

Thursday, April 2

Sunday, March 8

I am no longer in a very severe sadness

Allah is The Most Powerful.
The Most Powerful.

There is hope in everything.
I can see slowly Allah is granting my dua.
I should now be even more grateful.


'Maliki Yaum Middin'


Are you a muslim?

Thursday, February 27


All I need is a higher discipline regarding this. I need a new strategy. Strategy to fight my desire. Fight Allah's enemy. I will fight you till my last breath.

1) Discipline
2) Slap the illusion away
3) Imagine the good
4) Purify thoughts
5) Remember the goods
6) Fight harder
7) Ground harder
8) Pray harder
9) Aim Jannah

'Your love towards God'

This is what you want. This is it.

This is what you want and you prayed for yesterday. No matter what happened, you must remember that you want this. You want this. You choose peace over happiness. Peace is the only thing matter right now.

Wednesday, February 26

Let me come to You

Ya Allah, let me come to You without anyone else in the middle. Without anybody. Just you and me. It is time for me now to depend in You and only You,

True Love

True love, ALWAYS means saying you are sorry. When you aren’t sorry for wrongdoing against your partner, then your love isn’t what is guiding you. True love fights for true love. It fights pride, it fights selfishness, it fights the forces that try to destroy it. Saying I’m sorry isn’t wrong. It’s fighting your pride and fighting for love. What greater fight can we have, than the fight for love?

Do not hope anything from creations.

Never reach creations just to feel special in this temporary world. Reach The Creator for special place in here after.

And be thankful for the pain but cut everything that made you trapped in the same pain.

Sunday, February 23

Allah's desire

“His command, when He wants anything, is only to say to it: Be, so it is.” [36:82]

Morning :)

Saturday's Game Point

My brother and I as usual work our talent with ahah! The cute badminton coach but a very fierce and professional one.

Alhamdulillah for everything Ya Allah. May you ease Mikhael on becoming a strong man. 

Friday's Magical Discussion

Have you ever feel like your dreams gonna come true? Allah is giving hope of fulfilling your other prayer. And you calmly pray and step into it with careful steps. Pray that everything gonna ends well.

Thursday, February 20

Practice Make Perfect

You can do this - said my faith.

To detach. An action that is easier to say than being done. How can one leave deeply conversation routine behind?

The reality is, you are enjoying the thoughts that someone appreciates you. How many times you will go down the same road again?

Push a little. Try not to do anything and try not to act on your impulse. Try to do nothing.

Practice making perfect.

Open your soul's eyes, it was not the creations who made you laugh. It was Him. Allah. Remember that.

Reduceterian - The Meat Trap | Agon | Nas Daily Official

I do not know why do I have some balls to comment about this post lol. But here we go. Watch first.

Well, I quite agree on how we should reduce our consumption of meat. However, if it's objective to be a vegetarian. I am sorry my dear. You are against nature.

If you think plants are not living things just because their movement is not significant nor their respiratory process is unseen, you are definitely in a wrong idea.

If you feel pity towards fish who literally breathe in and breathe out you should know that plants too going through such a process. I am a Biology tutor. I knew.

So, your concern towards meat eater is a waste as from nature and scientific views, we are all interdependent. In addition, from the Islamic view, God created animals and plants for Humankind as food and choose good food.

I knew my explanation is not precise but take the concept. You want to feel better to overcome your empathy towards that fishes? Well, that fishes are too eating small fishes in the sea. :0

Wednesday, February 19


It was not all of you but Him.
One to fully detach from wordly love precisely to acknowledge the good feelings that we've experienced are actually by Him and not His creations.
Perhaps when we lose something, to counter the pain, one may think like this 'Dear God, I miss feeling being wanted, feeling appreciated by this person or this situation or this bondage that you've been lent me for quite some time. I miss feeling special. And I know it was you the sources of all of this pleasures. So, let me not forget that You are behind their warmness, kindness, love and care so that when You happened to take them back, remind me that all of sweet memories is actually from You and You are always there. They are just the tools to make me be thankful. They are not like You. They are temporary. You are eternal. That I won't question why you take them away from me. That I won't grieve. So, when I long for attentions and affections from Your creations, on a rare magical level, one would realised that my soul is actually long for You and only You.'
Back to zero.
How to love You? How to impress You without falling into the arrogance trap? How to look beyond your creations? Despite of all the pains and tragedy. What do I do?
Verily, We shall put you to test with some fear, and hunger, and with some loss of wealth, lives, and offspring. And (O Muhammad) convey good tidings to those who are patient, who say, when inflicted by hardship, "Verily we are of God and verily to Him shall we return;" upon them is the blessings of Allah and His mercy. (2:155)

Saturday, February 15


Alhamdulillah for everything.

I found my long lost inner peace on the day after my second-time break-up.

On the day where I am torn between the love of the world and hereafter.

Pardon me, Ya Allah, for having this disastrous thought. But it is real. I almost abandoned the core part of Islam that is to be realistic and truthful.

May Allah guide everyone to be a good Muslim and to be an even better servant of Allah more than me in the future.
I have failed in my mission and now I need to save myself first and pray the best for both of us.

On the other hand, I am so very lucky for having my long lost friend back :')
One of the best wake-up calls from this very influential soul in my life are:-


Tuesday, January 14

Finding solace in the stories of strangers

Questions and answers lies deep in my mind. Sometimes we know what is the best for us. However, we act differently because something hold us back and for me it is my heart. My heart is so powerful.

Heart controls almost everything. Thus, purifying it is a necessary.

Keep looking for the cure. What I did was I put myself among strangers and listen to them. Listening to their stories made me felt like I am not alone facing this.

I'm sleepy. My point is.. I found solace in strangers.

Formula Nama-nama Kerajaan Awal Alam Melayu

Yesterday, I created a formula for my little Icha since memorising history's name and facts is too hard not for only her but for me also.

Here we go.

Funan Campak Srivijaya di P.Pangkor, bertukar menjadi orang Tua dan meninggal sebagai Warganegara.

Funan, Champa, Srivijaya, Angkor, Kedah Tua dan Gangga Negara.


Monday, January 13

5 Things I Love About My Father

Dear readers,

I am going to write about my mysterious, funny, brilliant, compassionate, unpredictable, quiet and handsome daddy of mine.
I love him.
I love my father so much.

1. Ayah knows my favourite food like yong tau foo, nasi lemak paru, my geng eating fruits, my badminton geng, cycling buddy but also tukang marah when I could not handle my anger. We fought like cat and dog and can live without one another. But when it comes to makan time. He will never miss my name. Even though he knows I am on diet.

2. Beaches. Ayah love beaches so much and back then he will always looking forward to bring me and adik to Pantai where we build sandcastle. Ayah also is a very big fan of nature. He loves waterfall. He loves hills and he loves village vibes. Hence, I am becoming one of nature lovers too. Ayah also is a very great gardener. Every baby seeds grow gracefully with his touch. He once bought me a small rose plant. I am so mad at birdies who come and bite my roses. My father said 'Buat apa nak marah-marah, kan dapat pahala'. =( But still, I blame the birdies for eating my poor pretty rose :p

3. Ayah is a very great fan of P.Ramlee, He only laugh when watching P.Ramlee's movies. Bayangkanlah. Also, he enjoys cartoon. Like, when we where kids, he wake us to watch dragon ball at 9am and sometimes he lie to us and pretend the show is on tv and we would rush to the living room but.. everything is a lie coz Ayah wanted us to get out from the bed je. And he would laugh at us sarcastically.

4. Ayah also love Kembara, Kopratasa and all the golden songs back then. Raihan! Of course. He always sing, even using his hand and knock anything in the car as music instruments just to rhyme with us. Ayah, don't lie.. I know you love me singing since I was kid. But I know, you do not want me to become entertainer.. coz you care about my hereafter.

5. Ayah never called me Kakak. Ayah will always call me by full name. Munirah. Munirah and Munirah. I do not know why but Ayah.. why you love that name so much? Okay. Got to do my work now. May Allah put my ayah as the closest person next to Prophet Muhammad saw. Amin <3 p="">

14 days away from it

Dear readers,

I guess I'm doing good with my own way. I know it is putting my hereafter matters and faith at risk.
For now, it is lessening my pain so that I can still walk to work everyday.
I am really thankful for my mom and dad for they are very understanding and let me have my own time recovering from the loss and all.
May Allah grant them the highest paradise.
I love them.
So much.

While I am doing good with my job and my students. I still think I need to enhance my self care matters. Also, the fact that I am dealing with losing a lot of people in my life but.. it's okay.
Allah knows what is the best for me.

Thursday, January 2

Knowing the line on my page

Dear readers,

I am currently going through a very rough phase of life.
Where, I could not brain or digest my reactions towards what's happening inside me.
Lot of my friends said that I need to seek a professional help and even a psychiatrist.
But, I really know that once in Kelantan. I really am healed which I think it is maybe because the 'Gardens of Paradise'. I want to feel those feeling once again.
The peace. The joy of being with Allah and only Allah. But all of these noble dreams will never comes true if I cannot overcome my internal chaos. Again.
There so much ways has been given, my question is. . . how do you stop yourself from acting irrationally. Should I list out what is rational everyday. I think. Maybe I should. From now on.
Am I on my track in my returning journey back to Allah? Where could I get all the taufiq?