Sunday, June 10

Eddy at Sabah yeay

Lepas jawab paper Takaful tu, bergegas ke tempat kerja adik and nampaklah dia baru duduk kat tempat cashier tu..

with all her cakes hahaha..

then, baliklah rumah and teringat Farah cerita pasal Eddy.

I was like, exam pun dah habis.. maybe.. aku call lah dia.. tp tak berani pun haha.. sempat missed called je..

and dia pun call back Alhamdulillah sempar catch up sikit je..

Raya ni baru dia balik KL. Itupun sekejap je. Selamat bekerjalah kat sana and take care..

Nanti mesti jumpa wanita-wanita Filipina yang cun cun dan baik hati.. InsyaAllah Aminn..

Semoga berjaya selalu!